There was a lot more to Larry's post than this but he rounded it all off by asking 'What do you do about it when you want to read, but not read more of the same?' This is something that I've been struggling with for a while and it got to the point where I found myself not wanting to read anything at all.
The answer was far more simple than I realized. I've got a whole room full of books, an occasional reread helps me get back into the swing of new stuff (comfort reading rocks) and there's always something new on the pile that I haven't tried before. If I like it then brilliant and if I don't then it helps me get back into what I was reading previously.
This is a rather long winded way of saying that I've got a cool sounding book headed my way that I'm looking forward to giving a go. You've seen the cover, now check out the blurb that came with the email...
What if the movies that glowed from drive-in screens from the '50s and '60s weren't fantasies but really happened? In Go, Mutants!, Larry Doyle has created a world populated with the monsters, aliens, and mutants of B-movie legend, with all the beach parties, dances, fist fights, and hotrod races of classic teen dramas. An unforgettable era of pop culture is brought to life in an uproarious mash-up filled with Romance! Danger! Intergalactic Conspiracy! Molting!
Earth has survived alien invasions, attacks by hordes of atomic mutants and the ravages of dinosaurs brought back to life. Now we're in the blissful future. The grass is always green, freshly mowed by famous robots. Carhops in jetpacks deliver burger and fries to your atomic coupe. And automatic sidewalks can take you anywhere: the Watch the Skies Drive-in, Crater Cove, and Manhattan High, where everybody roots for the Mutants.
J!m, the son of the alien who nearly destroyed the planet, is a brooding blue-skinned rebel with an enormous forehead and exceptionally oily skin. Along with Johnny, a leather-jacketed radioactive ape, and Jelly, a gelatinous mass passing as a fat kid, J!m navigates a scary adolescence in which he really is as alienated as he feels, the world might actually be out to get him, and true love is complicated by misunderstanding and incompatible parts. As harmless school antics escalate into explosive events with tragic consequences, J!m makes a discovery that will alter the course of civilization, though it may help his dating life.
Like I said, I've been looking for something a little different to keep things fresh and 'Go, Mutants!' could be just what I'm after. I'll let you know how it goes.
How about you guys though? Does this sound like one you might want to read...?
Larry Doyle is a pretty good author and a past Simpsons writer. I read his I LOVE YOU BETH COOPER last year and it turned out to be a funny ride of a story. As always happens it got turned into a mediocre movie. Go, Mutanys sound like another good one.
Another one for my wish list, go mutants looks and sounds very original.
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