Not only am I slightly hungover but I haven't finished any books this weekend so I thought I'd bring this rather great competition forward a couple of days ;o)
As you may already know, I'm a big fan of Glen Cook's 'Black Company' series and think that they are books that everyone should try if they get the chance. Well, here's your chance!
I've already given away the first omnibus collection and now, thanks to those great folks at Tor Books, I have three copies of the next collection to give to three lucky winners! Unfortunately though, Tor are only able to send books to North America and the UK. This means that if you're not from either of these places then your chances of winning are poor to non-existent (sorry!) You're more than welcome to try your luck with the 'Bloodheir' and 'Scar Night' competitions though ;o)
'The Books of the South' is comprised of 'Shadow Games', 'Dreams of Steel', and 'The Silver Spike' and there's enough exposition there that you can read this collection on it's own (although the first collection is still cool, go and buy it!)
Sounds great doesn't it? If you fancy a copy then just drop me an email (address in the top right hand corner) telling me who you are and what your mailing address is. I'm going to let this one run until next Monday (2nd June) and announce the winners on the Tuesday.
Good Luck!
Wow, that cover looks epic! What sort of fantasy is it?
This is a nice contest. I haven't read Glen Cook yet. I know... bad ... bad.
The Black Company is excellent fantasy fiction...gritty and hard-military fantasy.
Read all glen cooks stuff....loved all....If ya have a great imagination then the story and backdrop are mind candy
If ya have to be spoon fed detailed word and phases to under stand that a trench is a mud hole and the pointy end of a sword is what is stabbed with
then it will be a hard read
so moving my Roger Zelaney books over to make room for more glen cook
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