Saturday 4 April 2009

Giveaway! 'Lamentation' - Ken Scholes

Having really enjoyed 'Lamentation' (scroll down for my review...) my immediate thoughts were all about sharing the love and getting a competition set up. Thanks to the generosity of the folk at Tor I was able to do just that...

I have one copy of Ken Scholes' 'Lamentation' to give away to one lucky winner (US and Canadian entries only though, sorry about that everyone else...) who is in for a treat of a read. All you have to do, to be in with a chance of winning, is to simply drop me an email (address at the top right hand side of the screen) telling me who you are and what your mailing address is. Leave as many comments, next to the post, as you like but they won't count as entries...

Because of the Easter break, I'll let this one run until the 13th of April and announce the winner on the 14th...

Good Luck!


SQT said...

Okay, you got me this time. I don't usually enter these because I get so many free books, but this is at the top of my 'most coveted' list and I must enter. Is it wrong if I don't want to share this contest with anyone else? ;)


Seeing as this title has appeared with good reviews on several blogs you've tipped me over the edge I have relented and will now give it a go....but I hate coming in at the start of a series and then have to wait and wait and wait to see how it all wraps up.

Scott said...

Sounds pretty good.
You've got me interested.

mindy said...

sounds great thanks for the giveaway

kathy55439 said...

Thank you for to giveaway....

Graeme Flory said...

SQT - It's not wrong at all but karma may come back and bite you when you least expect it... ;o)

Anonymous said...

I'd like to be entered in this contest please!

ParkingGoddessFTW at gmail dot com

SQT said...

Sheesh. You had to go and mention karma. Guess I'll have to go and do some links... grumble grumble. (what's really going on in my head is the monologue Daffy Duck has going on when he finds a cave full of gold and jewels's mine! Mine all mine. I'm a happy miser!)

Matt said...

Sounds good!

Sandra K321 said...

Sounds like a book my son would like.