Monday 17 November 2008

What shall I read next?

Things were really busy over the weekend (what with one thing and another) so I didn't get a chance to do all the reading that I wold have liked, I'm about halfway through two books at the moment which doesn't make for a good review...
What you lucky folks get instead is the opportunity to help me decide what to read next...

It's getting round to that time of year where I start looking at all the book piles around the house and thinking, "I really need to read that before the end of the year..." I've got this week's reading pretty much covered but starting from next week I really want to get started on books that have been gathering dust for a while now. Here's an easy one to get you started...

I'm one book into both Brent Weeks' 'Night Angel' trilogy and Brandon Sanderson's 'Mistborn' trilogy. I feel like I've read a lot of stand alone stuff this year and it would be good to actually finish off a series. Both of these trilogies will get read but which one do I pick up first? Leave a comment and let me know, whichever trilogy gets the most votes (say, by the end of the week) will be the one I pick up next...


Anonymous said...

I vote for night angel's trilogy. I say this because I am thinking of buying the lot. :)

sbp said...

I vote the Mistborn trilogy which imo seems to be the more compelling reading choice.

Anonymous said...

Mistborn please. The first book really blew me away

KP said...

I am in the middle of the Mistborn trilogy now and I really like it. The magic system is interesting.

I have the Night's Angel trilogy on order and am expecting it in December (SFBC has the trilogy in one hard cover volume). It sound pretty good.

For now, I would recommend Mistborn.

ediFanoB said...

Nearly finished THE WAY OF SHADOWS. SHADOW'S EDGE is on my shelf.

So I vote for Mistborn' because I didn't read it so far.

Adele said...

Brent Weeks, I got halfway through the first one before buying the second and will be picking up the third first opportunity. Weeks delivers everything I wanted from Trudi Canovan and Karen Miller butdidn't quite get. Awesome.

kyrilson said...

I vote for mistborn. I loved the first book. The second is sitting on my nightstand waiting for me to read it. Perhaps after I'm done with Deadhouse Gates. :-)

Unknown said...

Night angel for sure, I love a good assassin story. Also I've started a series that you mgith like I don't know if you will its very chick lit. But its funny and clever and you might like it. The name of the book is the witchling. can't think of the author but its good. YOu can find it on amazing. etc. Might give it a go graeme.

Liz said...

Definitely Brent Weeks!

Anonymous said...

Mistborn please. Waiting for the "final" WOT and would like to see what you think of him as an author