They are...
'Black Ships' - Trine Paulsen, Frederiksberg, Denmark
'The Elves of Cintra' - Peta Banks, Norwich, UK
Well done! Your books will be on their way as soon as I can get to the post office on Monday morning, Happy Reading!
Were you one of the people who entered the competition I ran, a few weeks back, to win a copy of Glen Cook's 'The Books of the South' omnibus? Did you shed a little tiny tear when you didn't win? Well, I'm giving you another chance to put things right! I've had a review copy of 'The Books of the South' come through the door this morning, I already have all the Black Company books so I'm going to give this one away to whoever wants it :o) You do? Just drop me an email with your name and mailing address (email address at the top right hand corner)and we'll see what happens. Anyone can enter, it doesn't matter where you live!
I'll let this one run until next Thursday (26th June) and announce the winner on the following Friday.
Good Luck!
Brilliant! I've actually won something, and I've had my eye on Jo Graham's book for quite some time.
wow, congrats to the winners
that terry brooks title looks brilliant
I'm very chuffed to have won The Elves of Cintra - thank you so much. Now all I need is to get my sticky paws on an early copy of The Gypsy Morph!
congrats to the winners. nice to see non-US winners.
Out of curiosity, what if someone lived on the moon or I.S.S.? Would you still ship it to them? :P
lol, maybe they would ship to a family member on earth:)
they could always ask the publisher to email the person in a space ship an ebook:)
If there's anyone living on the moon who wants to enter then they're more than welcome :o)
Okay, now my question is this: what if the guy in space wants a hardcopy and, since you offered a real book, you have to send it to him in space? How are you going to get it to him? Seriously, this idea is so silly I'm actually curious what you would do :P.
Thanks. I've already order it. :)
Nice competetions.. maybe next time I win...
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