This time last week I had a copy of Brian Ruckley's (very good) 'Bloodheir' to give away. (I was also going to give away my ARC copy as a runners up prize but something leaked in my bag and all of a sudden that was no longer an option!) This isn't the case anymore because I picked a winner and the lucky person is...
Lisa Davies, Mid Glamorgan, Wales
Well done Lisa, your book will be on it's way as soon as I can get to the post office tomorrow! Everyone else, you still have a chance to win the 'Books of the South' omnibus and if that's not your thing then how about this...
Sometime last year my wife read Terry Pratchett's 'Making Money' and posted a review. She wasn't too keen on it, and I'm not really a fan anymore, but there has to be at least one of you who is so how would you like a copy of 'Making Money' in mass market paperback format? Yes, once again I have been sent a book that has already been covered on the blog so thought I would see if anyone else wanted it instead. You do? And you do as well?? Well, simply send me an email (address at the top right hand corner of the screen) with your name and address in it. I'll let this one run until next Saturday (7th June) and let you know who won on Sunday.
Good Luck!
Cheers for the win. Can't wait to start it. :D
I love Terry Pratchett. Please enter me.
count me in as well :)
I loved Going Postal and have been meaning to check this one out (It is though very popular at my library)
You need to send me an email (if you haven't already), everyone else has and it wouldn't be fair on them if you didn't have to. Cheers! :o)
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