I've been sent two copies of the same book to review and I only need the one. Would you like a copy of the other one? You would? Drop me a line (email address in the right hand corner) and I'll let you know who won it next Tuesday.
What's that?
I haven't mentioned the name of the book?
Well here's the thing, I'm not going to tell you what it's called :o) All I'm going to say is that it's got giant eagles in it (it's not 'LOTR' or 'The Hobbit') and I'm looking forward to reading it soon.
Still interested? Drop me an email...
Good luck!
Hi! :) I really want to enter your contest, but you've email address isn't right! :D You have NOSPAM@graemesfantasybookreview.com up there :)
I love mystery prizes :D
Hey Anastasia!
That's just my way of avoiding the spam ;o) Get rid of the 'NOSPAM' bit and stick a 'graeme' next to the '@', that should do the trick!
Let me make a guess...would the author be a Kate Elliott?
That's a good point, actually, if Robert's right, I'll be interested to see what you make of that book. I got it for Xmas of last!
Mystery book give-aways are the way of the future!
Count me in! :)
I love a mystery. Isn't that what Christmas is all about- mystery gifts? What a cool way to celebrate it early! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving! Please enter me in your "Mystery Book Giveaway!" Nothing better than a surprise! Thanks, Cindi
Count me in please.
blogged ya: http://laurawilliamsmusings.blogspot.com/2007/11/wednesday-edition-of-contests-galore_21.html
LOL I love all fantasy novels and science fiction.. and I love suprises!! SO sign me up!
Ill blog about it too
I'm interested, count me in.
This happened to me as well! I decided to give my spare copy to another reviewer.
Oh, please DON'T count me in; my to read pile is teetering as it is!
Hi! I've just discover this blog, and i'm interested in your contest. Count me in! :)
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