Saturday 18 August 2012

Giveaway! 'The Guv'nor' (Pat Mills/Patrick Goddard)

I seem to have landed myself with two review copies of 'The Guv'nor' so it seemed like only the right thing to do to give one copy away here :o) Check out the blurb...

In 1999, Britain was successfully invaded by the Volgs. When London lorry driver Bill Savage learnt that his family had been killed by the Volgs, he became a one-man war machine - a persistant thorn in the side of the occupying army. Having adopted the identity of his dead brother, Savage operates out of a bombed-out london, leading the resistance against his hated enemy. Now, business brain Howard Quartz - the CEO of Ro-Busters - has launched an attack on the Volgan forces with his Mark-One War Droids, but the Volgs have some technological tricks of their own, including a functional teleportation device....

I'm horribly late with my review but take it from me in the meantime, 'The Guv'nor' is a great read.

So, what do you need to do to win my spare copy? First things first, this competition is only open to people in the UK and Europe (I'm paying postage so I can't afford to post it far). If you're still reading then all you need to do next is drop me an email (address at the top right hand side of the screen) telling me who you are and what your postal address is; the subject header needs to be 'I am the Guv'nor!'

I'll leave this open until the 26th of August and will announce the winner as soon as possible afterwards.

Good Luck :o)

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