Friday 17 August 2012

The 'Look, the sun was out...' cover art post!

Give me a break, it's not often the sun comes out these days; I had to make the most of it! That leaves me with little/no time for review writing though so have some cover art instead. Cover art like this...

I'm hoping that the novel is as unique and stunning as we've been told because that cover isn't up to much is it? I don't know about you but if the blurb mentions a 'dimension jumping inn' then that's exactly what I want to see on the cover dammit! Another example of 'cover art for the commuter' rather than art that celebrates the book... I have been looking forward to 'Ecko Rising' though and would have started on it tonight but I'm already late for the Fantasy Faction signing at Blackwells (Cole, Abercrombie, and Brett; just in case you were wondering)...

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