Sunday 19 August 2012

What I did yesterday (and why you should do it too!)

Yesterday had to be one of the hottest days we've had this year; lovely if you're into that kind of thing but not if you're me and frantically trying to jump from one cool shadow to another. It was a really good job then that we all found ourselves at the Royal Festival Hall (on the South Bank) where not only was it really cool but we got to hang out in this,

The photo doesn't quite do it justice but what you're looking at here is basically a large maze where all the walls are made out of books. Have you ever been in a maze where you can stop and browse the walls? I didn't think so and that's why you really need to check this one out if you find yourself on the South Bank. There's a little something here for everyone, plenty of sci-fi and fantasy if you keep your eyes open. What's really cool though is that you can get pictures like this on the way round...

When I die, I want to be buried at the centre of this maze :o)

When I wasn't chasing Hope around (she wasn't too bothered about the books, she just wanted to go running), this was one of the most chilled out afternoons that I've had in a long time. Finding my way through a maze and browsing books while I did it (amongst other things - a little bit of horror, some 2000AD and the rules for fielding a Warhammer army of Elves), what's not to like? I'm not sure how long the maze is there for so if you're in the area I'd give it a look before it goes :o)

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