Sunday 8 July 2012

What I'm reading right now...

Due to a whole load of other things going on right now (work, ongoing legal stuff and generally feeling like something a dog just threw up...) I'm really bad at finishing books right now. I mean, I get there in the end but it's really 'stop and start' at the moment (which is even more odd as the books I'm picking up have all been very good). Here are a few of the books that I'm 'stopping and starting' on...

The main culprit :o) Every time I pick up 'The King's Blood' I think to myself, 'this is better than 'The Dragon's Path' and that was excellent'. Then I realise that another week has gone by and I've only read a chapter or two...

I totally forgot that this was on the shelves until the other day, curse you 'random shelving of books...!' The 'Eddie LaCrosse' books are a much easier going version of Glen Cook's 'Garrett P.I.' series but with a hidden edge that will cut you by surprise. I'm enjoying 'Wake of the Bloody Angel' as much as I've enjoyed Bledsoe's others.

Because 'readers block' is a great excuse to re-visit some childhood favourites and see how they measure up :o)

 Everyone else has been raving about this title (and I do mean everyone, I don't think I've heard a single bad word about 'Sharps'...) so I figured it was way past time I gave K.J. Parker another go. It's looking good so far.

 Because if there's anything that can cure 'reader's block', for me, then it's David Gemmell... surely?

 Same deal here, loads of short stories that I can dip in and out of as the mood takes me. What's also intriguing here is that one of the stories is written by John Brunner (the guy who wrote 'Stand on Zanzibar'). Definitely want to check that one out...

That's what I'm reading, how about you?


  1. I'm suddenly hearing a lot about K.J. Parker over the past few days. I'll have to give them a look see.

    Good luck getting your mojo back!

  2. If you can't read Gemmell then you just need a break!


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