Monday 9 July 2012

The 'Wow, where did the last couple of months go...?' Competition Winner's Post!

Three more weeks in this contract and then I'm going to be looking for work again. This time round though I'm a bit more cool about it (I think). All the stuff that I was worried about, last time, didn't happen and I must know dozens of recruitment consultants by name after all the emails that I sent out. Most of all though, I'll be taking a little holiday before throwing myself into all of that :o) After the past few weeks, I'm really looking forward to that...

My reading feels like it's on a bit of an upward curve as well; I actually managed to polish two books off (over the weekend) without putting them down to start something else - that's a huge deal for me at the moment and I'm looking forward to getting at least a couple more read this week :o)
What can you expect to see, on the blog, this week? Well, you know that 'Dr Who' book I was telling you about yesterday? Yep, that will be reviewed and so will the novelisation of 'Dawn of the Dead' (I'm still trying to get my thoughts together on that one, it was a good read but...) The other plan is to get 'Wake of the Bloody Angel' finished and reviewed by the end of the week, we'll see how that goes...

Sorry, what did you say? Winners from last week's competitions...? Of course! Thanks to everyone who entered by the way, talk about having hundreds of emails to go through :o) There could only be two winners though and they were...

Milo Milton-Jefferies, North Devon, England

('Holiday Reading' Competition)
Seb Jones, Wiltshire, England

Nice work there guys, your books will be on their way very soon :o)

That's about it for me today, see you tomorrow... ;o)

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