Saturday 7 July 2012

Cover Art! 'Tomorrow the Killing' (Daniel Polansky)

Another hooded figure on a fantasy cover but it is raining though so that's alright, isn't it...? If you're the king of the criminal underworld then you really don't want to come down with a cold...
I like this cover with its street that you really don't want to be caught walking down. Not just because it's raining either, you don't want to come across the Warden while he's about his business. Check out the blurb...

Once he was a hero of the Great War, and then a member of the dreaded Black House. Now he is the criminal linchpin of Low Town.

His name is Warden.

He thought he had left the war behind him, but a summons from up above brings the past sharply, uncomfortably, back into focus. General Montgomery's daughter is missing somewhere in Low Town, searching for clues about her brother's murder. The General wants her found, before the stinking streets can lay claim to her, too.

I loved 'The Straight Razor Cure'/'Low Town' and am really looking forward to reading 'Tomorrow the Killing' a little closer to its release date in October (sooner if I can get away with it!)


  1. I can't wait to start reading Tomorrow the Killing. Straight Razor was an awesome read.

  2. What Jamie said!



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