Sunday 27 May 2012

Ben Aaronovitch Signing and Reading

If you enjoyed Ben Aaronvitch's last two 'Peter Grant' books, and if you're in London on the 23rd June (no half measures here, that's both 'ifs' or not at all!), then this one could be for you. From the press release...

BEN AARONOVITCH will be signing the third novel in his superbly entertaining supernatural crime series WHISPERS UNDER GROUND at the Forbidden Planet London Megastore on Saturday 23rd June from 4 – 5pm. 

He will also be giving an exclusive short story preview! 

Peter Grant is learning magic fast. And its just as well - he's already had run ins with the deadly supernatural children of the Thames and a terrifying killer in Soho. Progression in the Police Force is less easy. Especially when you work in a department of two. A department that doesn't even officially exist. A department that if you did describe it to most people would get you laughed at. And then there's his love life. The last person he fell for ended up seriously dead. It wasn't his fault, but still.
Now something horrible is happening in the labyrinth of tunnels that make up the tube system that honeycombs the ancient foundations of London. And delays on the Northern line is the very least of it. Time to call in the Met's Economic and Specialist Crime Unit 9, aka 'The Folly'. Time to call in PC Peter Grant, Britain’s Last Wizard.

As much as I enjoyed the last two books (reviews Here and Here) the chances of me being in the centre of London, in the middle of summer, are always very small. I'm more of a 'weekday evening signing' person myself... Another lovely looking cover from Gollancz who are clearly going with the 'if it ain't broke...' approach. I'm really hoping for better things from the Del Rey cover art this time round...


  1. I received the first book from a friend and loved it. Haven't yet ordered the second. It's out here in the states, but I would rather have the UK cover. I think the U.S. covers are godawful. Good to know the series is continuing. I won't be in London either - *g*, the chances of me even driving out of town are slim. :)

  2. Why are there never any fantasy signings in Cardiff :( If I throw all my toys out of the pram and cause a fuss, they might take notice :)

    I loved Rivers of London, so I need to snatch up the rest of the series and do a power read pretty soon :)

  3. I'm not one for the Big City myself, but I really enjoyed Whispers Under Ground and hope it does epically well :)


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