Monday 28 May 2012

A Slightly Nostalgic Cover Art Post... 'Destiny Quest: The Legion of Shadow' (Michael J. Ward)

A first for the blog as I don't think I've ever covered game books here. First of all, check that cover out...

Loads going on, slightly cartoonish... It really takes me back to the days of Fighting Fantasy game books (when they first came out that is, you can still buy new editions today). Just one look at the cover has me thinking of books like 'Forest of Doom' and 'Deathtrap Dungeon' where I'd be totally engrossed by the background and cheating like mad on those dice rolls to make sure that I stayed in the story for as long as possible :o) Yep, I was one of those people who would (more often than not) use all my fingers as bookmarks and scout ahead in the book to see what the safe route was. Don't tell me you didn't do exactly the same thing... ;o)
I can't promise that I won't do all those things again with 'The Legion of Shadow' but I can promise that it will be my bank holiday reading next weekend. I'll let you know what I thought of it sometime next week.

What's going to be happening in the meantime? Well, there's a couple of books that I want to write about but, as fate would have it, two steampunk graphic novels arrived with me just recently. One is a lesson in how to write a thoroughly absorbing steampunk tale; the other is exactly the opposite... I'll be reviewing them both over the next few days so pop by and have a read.

See you tomorrow :o)


  1. Very reminiscent of cheesy heavy metal album covers.

  2. Steampunk graphic novels sound good to me :)

    You're right too - the cover does have a smidgeon of retro charm to it :)


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