Saturday 26 May 2012

Giveaway! 'Amped' (Daniel H. Wilson)

My 'to read right now' pile is looking quite fearsome right now (it's breeding smaller piles as I write this post...) but 'Robopocalypse' was a superb read so 'Amped' might find itself being read sooner rather than later. Check out the blurb...

In Amped, people are implanted with a device that makes them capable of superhuman feats. The powerful technology has profound consequences for society, and soon a set of laws is passed that restricts the abilities—and rights—of "amplified" humans. On the day that the Supreme Court passes the first of these laws, twenty-nine-year-old Owen Gray joins the ranks of a new persecuted underclass known as "amps." Owen is forced to go on the run, desperate to reach an outpost in Oklahoma where, it is rumored, a group of the most enhanced amps may be about to change the world—or destroy it. 

While I'm reading my copy of 'Amped' how do you fancy a shot at winning a copy for yourself? You do? Hang on a moment, this competition is only open to US entrants... Are you still in? Here's what you need to do.

Thanks to Doubleday, I have three copies of 'Amped' to give away here. If you fancy your chances, just drop me an email (address at the top right hand side of the screen) telling me who you are and what your postal address is. The subject header needs to be 'Amped'.

I'll let this one run until the 3rd of June and will aim to announce the winners as soon as possible afterwards.

Good Luck!


  1. This blurb makes me want to read Amped. Sounds like the kind of book I enjoy. I like Sci Fi books, along with UF.

  2. This is definitely on my read-soonest list!


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