Sunday 4 December 2011

Which Cover Is The Best? (Slightly Hungover Edition)

It was a great night though... :o)

I'm going to keep things short and fairly sweet this afternoon; not only because there's a nagging pain behind my eyeball (Sambuca shot) but also because the following author needs no introduction whatsoever. I'll be posting my review for 'The Alloy of Law' later this week (Adam has posted his already) but I thought it would be interesting to look at the US and UK covers to see which one people are into the most. I think it should be a foregone conclusion but I've been wrong before. Check em' out...

The US Cover...

The UK Cover...

So, which one would you want on your bookshelf? It would have to be the US cover for me :o)


  1. The US cover becasue I like it more. And becasue I own US versions of the Mistborn Trilogy other I would prefer it to match on the shelf ... sad, I know.

  2. The US cover is great and is probably a better fit for the US market, but I like the UK cover better, personally. Would love to have a print of it hanging on the wall; the US cover, not so much.

  3. I suppose neither is not allowed as an answer? I don't much like either, but the US one shades it.

  4. What are you doing taking Sambuca in the eye for?

    The UK covers win me over every time for Sanderson (with the sole exception of The Way of Kings, the US cover is exceptional).

  5. Even though it looks like Tom Cruise is on the cover, I like the U.S. one. I'm not a fan of Sanderson but that cover keeps intriging me to try it.

  6. I prefer the UK one. I've seen both in the shops down here and the UK draws my eye far more than the US one does.

  7. To be host, I find both of them unappealing. But that's me, I guess.

    The UK one is slightly better, but it feels chaotic in comparison to the other. *shrugs*

  8. the uk one is by far the best one, the us one makes me not want to read the book.

  9. I like the UK cover! It looks so clean and... pretty :D

    I'm more of a simple-but-elegant book cover-lover kind of girl. But to give it its credit, the US one is really good artwork :)

  10. I like the UK one! Simple and elegant are definitely the type of covers i go for. But to give its dues, the US one has incredible artwork!

  11. The UK cover is much more visually appealing, but the US cover seems to represent the book with far greater fidelity.


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