Saturday 3 December 2011

What to read next?

“I can’t wait to read the next book in the series...” “Author X is superb, I’ll definitely be picking up whatever they write next...”

And then the end of the year comes round, I look at the reading pile and think ‘damn... I wish I hadn’t made all those bold promises...’ :o) I started the year off with the best of intentions and a whole load of new releases to look forward to. You know the books I’m talking about, you’ve either read them already or you have copies sat in your reading pile as well. But life took over, it always does and I wouldn’t have it any other way. With a toddler in the house there just hasn’t been the time to well and truly get stuck into ‘The Wise Man’s Fear’ or ‘A Dance With Dragons’. It’s cool, they’ll be waiting if I have a couple of quiet hours over Christmas and the New Year :o) What books do you want to polish off before the year ends?

I wanted to have one last shot at getting at least one of the ‘Talked About 2011 Releases’ read though; and before the end of the year as well. I haven’t left myself time to read one of the ‘chunky’ books but there are a couple that I reckon I could feasibly polish off in the next few weeks.

I’m thinking of either reading...

‘The Heroes’ – Joe Abercrombie

Everyone else loved it, I just never got round to picking it up. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed everything else Joe has written though and this book has been glaring at me reproachfully for several months now...

‘The Book of Transformations’ – Mark Charan Newton

Same deal as ‘The Heroes’ albeit it with a little extra added weirdness to the proceedings. Newton hasn’t written a bad book yet and I’ve got high hopes for this one.

I might even be able to finish off both books but I’m not going to get too far ahead of myself just yet. One will do for now but which one first? That’s where you come in :o)
Leave a comment, next to this post, saying which one you think I should read first. Whichever book has the most votes on Monday morning will be the book that I go for. Let the challenge begin!


  1. Don't bother with that Abercrombie chap - he's too busy playing computer games to notice. :)

  2. I think that if have already read the previous Charan Newton book, you should probably continue with the Book of Transformations. Otherwise either will do. Keep in mind that I have read neither of the two but I'm interested in both and I would welcome both reviews. However, contrary to you, I have read mixed reviews for The Heroes - apparently some people thought it was too raw and below their expectations.
    By the way, do you have a Goodreads account ? If so, how can I find you there?

  3. My vote goes for "The Book of Transformations," partly because I've seen plenty of reviews for "The Heroes" but haven't actually heard of the other one, and I'd like to know what you think of it.

  4. I just finished The Heroes a couple of weeks ago. It was superb, and better than Best Served Cold in my opinion.

    I finished Sanderson's Alloy of Law last weekend, and it was some of the most fun I've had reading in a while. Now, I'm on book two of N.K. Jemisin's Inheritance trilogy, and enjoying it thoroughly.

    Long time lurking reader here. Keep up the great work.

  5. The Heroes. But that's just personal taste, as I liked Abercrombie's stuff better than Newton's. - Jeff

  6. Of the two, I've only read Heroes so I would have to vote that.

    However, I'd say go read Wise Man's Fear. I'm a slow reader and I read it in two nights.

  7. You should definitely read both, but for me Abercrombie edges it.

  8. I'd say start with The Heroes, as that's a standalone ;-)

    I'm in the same boat as you, I've got a boatload of books yet to read and a number of them from 2011. Right now the plan is to at least read and review Charlton's Spellbound, Cooper's Songs of the Earth and Jemisin's Kingdoms of Gods before the end of the year. I'm just hoping I'll be able to!

  9. I haven't read either... but the Heroes would shade it for me. Maybe take a sick day so you can do both though?

  10. I do know I love Joe A.'s writing:^) So I'm voting for The Heroes. However, I'm going to check out the other series, since that's an author I'm not familiar wtih, so thanks for that!!

  11. Read & enjoyed both!
    Thought Book of Transformations had a different feel compared to the two earlier installments...
    I'd say The Heroes edges it.

  12. I agree that MCN is quality, but I'd vote for The Heroes, it's one of my top 5 for 2011.


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