Monday 5 December 2011

Monday Morning Free Reading!

Before we get started on all that though, I posted on Saturday asking whether you thought I should read Joe Abercrombie's 'The Heroes' or Mark Charan Newton's 'The Book of Transformations' (as my 'book that I'd really like to read before the end of the year'). It was a close run thing, well.. at least to start off with. Things were fairly evenly matched until last night when a few last minute votes made it an emphatic win for...

So there you go :o) If I can get both books read then I will but, for now, it's 'The Heroes' that I'll be concentrating on in the meantime (as well as a whole load of other books that I want to read between now and the end of the year).

Back to the point of this post though, free reading :o) We all love a nice bit of free reading don't we? Especially on a cold Monday morning... Richard Ford's 'Kultus' has been out for about a month now and is a book that I'm planning to read over the next week or two. Check out the blurb...

A steam-powered burlesque of brutal demonic action! Thaddeus Blaklok mercenary, demonist, bastard and thug-for-hire is pressed into retrieving a mysterious key for his clandestine benefactors. Little does he know that other parties seek to secure this artefact for their own nefarious ends and soon he is pursued by brutal cultists, bloodthirsty gangsters, deadly mercenaries and hell-spawned monsters, all bent on stopping him by any means necessary. In a lightning-paced quest that takes him across the length and breadth of the steam-fuelled city of Manufactory, Blaklok must use his wits and his own demonic powers to keep the key from those who would use it for ill, and open the gates to Hell itself.

Sounds good doesn't it? Like I said, look out for a review probably next week. In the meantime though, have a click Here and you'll find yourself halfway towards downloading a free pdf where we get to meet Thaddeus Blaklok in comic book form! This short story takes place before the events of 'Kultus' so it's half 'setting the scene' and half watching Thaddeus tear bits off a very nasty man. I enjoyed the read and I reckon you will too.


  1. Kultus was a fun read. I'll be picking up whatever comes next from Ford :)

  2. I hope you enjoy The Heroes. You've got a good read ahead of you there.

  3. I do love some free reads. Shall head on over and take a look. Cheers :)


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