Monday 2 May 2011

The 'Lazy Update Post'...

I'll be honest, I've got nothing for you today and all I'll say is this, who would have thought that a birthday party for a one year old could be so tiring...

By way of apology (and to keep things ticking over until tomorrow when things should hopefully get back to normal) here's a quick look at some of the books that I've got on the go right now. I'm in one of those moods where I can't settle on one book right now so there are a few...

'Embedded' - Dan Abnett

I'm just under a hundred pages in and 'Embedded' has all the makings of another fine novel by Abnett but I can't help but want it to hurry up and get started...

'Among Thieves' - Doug Hulick

Like the 'Garret P.I.' books would be if Garrett was one nasty bastard of a thief. Gorgeous stuff that deserves all the nice things that people are saying about it (a hundred and fifty pages into this one)

'The White Luck Warrior' - R. Scott Bakker

I've only just started on this one and it's great to be back. People say that Abraham is underrated but I'd say this is a title more deserved by Bakker (unfortunately for him...)

'The Conan Chronicles Vol.1' - Robert E. Howard

Howard may be a master storyteller but I haven't made it past the bit at his essay about the fall of Atlantis/rise of the other civilizations etc. It is dry, very dry...

I've actually managed to finish some other books and you'll hear about those later this week.One of them is 'The Dragon's Path' and yeah, Daniel Abraham is underrated (Bakker more so though!) if his latest book is anything to go by. I love it.

Enough about me though. What are you reading? And do you have any sure-fire methods for getting over first birthday parties...?


  1. I'm not reading anything at the moment, but have recently read Embedded and really enjoyed it.

    I've also read Among Thieves as well recently - and I found that to be enjoyable.

    You might want to look into 'When the Wind Blows' by James Patterson. It's a Thriller/Sci-Fi-ish story that I love. And it also has a sequel called 'The Lake House'.

    Which is equally as good.

  2. I just finished Dervish House which was so much better than I thought after the first 50 pages. Incredible book.

    I'm trying to read Kushiel's Dart right now, but I feel inappropriate reading it in the same house as my daughter.

    So now giving Cyroburn a shot. Might as well blow through all the Hugo's and see if it's as bad a year as everyone says it is.

  3. I was on sick leave yesterday, which sucked, but also means that I had a lot of time to read on my hands. So I'm a quarter into The Crippled God now, and suffering from Malazan syndrome (a medical condition induced by reading a Steven Erikson novel, main symptom is a state of constant confusion as to who those people are and what the hell they are doing, in combination with the irresistible urge to plod one's way through 900 pages of closely-printed text, no matter how tough the going gets).

  4. Just finished the Douglas Hulick and I really enjoyed it.

    I have both the new Redick and Aaronovitch to read.

    At the moment just half way through Darknesses by L.E.Modesitt Jr..which for me is a guilty pleasure..although not to everyone's taste.

  5. I'm also reading 'Among Thieves' and enjoying it a lot.


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