Tuesday 3 May 2011

The 'Back to Grim Reality...' Competition Winner's Post (now with added arthritis!)

After a glorious couple of weeks of Bank Holidays and short working weeks, the fun is over and it's back to work again (one more short week but it doesn't feel the same somehow). Hello work... Can't say I've missed you much but lets just pretend to get along for the time being shall we? It's not just work either, arthritis has decided to pay an unwelcome visit and set up residence in my knee... It's good times here right now :o(

In an attempt to try and balance things out a little here I'm going to force feed the blog a little good cheer this morning and announce the winners of the 'Robopocalypse' competition that I ran last weekend. Of course, that's only going to cheer the winners up but it's the best I've got right now!
Here goes...

Carol E. Reiley, Baltimore
Eric Guizzo, New York
Joe Markim, Connecticut
Jennie Lopez, Oregon
Jorge Lacera, Massachusetts
Kim Papke, Texas
Justin Landon, Washington DC
David Fike, Kansas
Trey Lindsay, New York
Emily Goldman, Maryland

Well done guys, your books should be on their way shortly, better luck next time everyone else...

Right, back to it. See you all tomorrow!


  1. I will read it with my blanket over my head. Robots are scary.

  2. Isn't aging grand? My arthritis has decided that it likes to kick in when I walk for any length of time (like during my recent trip to NY). Fun.

  3. Woo-hoo! Thank you fine sir. Now there's something about the end of the world I can finally look forward to...

  4. You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar - thank you!!


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