Saturday 5 February 2011

Giveaway! ‘The Auralia Thread’ (Jeffrey Overstreet)

I’m more than a little bit excited about this one (although not mad keen on the above art work)...

Way back in the dawn of the blog I was sent a copy of Jeffrey Overstreet’s ‘Auralia’s Colors’ to review and it turned out to be one of those surprise reads that I end up really enjoying – review Here. Me being me, I promptly forgot about the rest of the series until I got an email from Waterbrook Press asking me if I’d like to review ‘The Ale Boy’s Feast’ (the last book in the series). To cut a long story short, not only will I be catching up with the three books that I haven’t read (looking forward to that) but I also thought it would be cool to run a giveaway for this series at the same time. So here goes...

Thanks to the good people at Waterbrook Press, one lucky winner will receive a pack containing ‘Auralia’s Colors’, Cyndere’s Midnight’, Raven’s Ladder’ and ‘The Ale Boy’s Feast’. If ‘Auralia’s Colors’ is anything to go by then you should be in for some quality reading. Unfortunately though, this competition is only open to people living in the US or Canada (sorry about that everyone else...)

If you’re still with me then you’re doubtless already sending me an email (address at the top right hand side of the screen) telling me who you are and what your postal address is. I’m also pretty sure that your subject header will be ‘Auralia’.

I’ll let this competition run until the 13th of February and will aim to announce winners as soon as possible afterwards.

Good Luck!


  1. Looks awesome! And hurrah, it's open to people in Canada (something to keep me amused while the snows still fly!)

  2. I went back and read your review of Auralia's Colors and I'm really conflicted about buying this book. From all the reviews it seems like a masterpiece but I'm not sure if it's fit for me. It sounds very whimsical and sort of light hearted but one of the reviews I read of the second book in the thread said there's also bloody fantasy action and intrigue. Any help?

  3. Nick - It's been such a long time since I read the first book and I haven't read the others at all...
    There is a real light hearted feel to the first book but that didn't stop me enjoying it. I'd say see if you can find the first book in the library and see how you go :o)


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