Friday 4 February 2011

Well, there was going to be a review here but...

We were in and out of hospital with Hope yesterday so today's review is more like next week's review instead... Hope is ok though (will be even better once she can start keeping food down a bit better) and that's the main thing :o)

These two books were waiting for me when we got back from the hospital (the first time) and not only are they potentially great reads but they look good as well so I thought I'd post pictures. Check em' out...

Don't they look gorgeous? Sometimes simple really is best :o)


  1. That Wells book... is it blue or black?
    Here I see that it is blue...

    Does it have the same size as the Conan book? I'm trying to find out because I already have or I thought I have all the Big Black Books from Orion.

  2. Gorgeous indeed. Swords are one of the old classics, and dirigibles are one of the new classics in book covers. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I got a copy of the H.G. Wells one last week-- only in red. Just gorgeous.

  4. Gorgeous hardbacks!

    Glad to hear Hope is okay sir.

  5. Shit, Graeme - so sorry to hear about Hope. Get some baby mulch down her and I'm sure she'll be grand. Terrifying times though, I can only imagine.

    So I'll forgive you the review this one time... ;)

    Incidentally, have you read any Robert E. Howard? I'm pretty taken with my copy of the Brethren book, but I've never been nearer Conan than the dodgy movies way when... wondering if I might be out of my depth reading this collection without having begun properly, at the beginning.

  6. Graeme, sorry to hear about Hope. I hope things turn around soon!


  7. Hope is fine now, crawling around and getting into all the stuff that she knows she shouldn't be into :o) Thanks guys.

    Assassin - The Wells book is blue and isn't the same size as the Conan book.

    Niall - It's been a while since I've properly read any Howard (scraps of short story here and there); have been concentrating on the comic book adaptations instead. They are as good a place to start as any but you can't beat going straight to the source and that's what I hope to do soon with the Conan Fantasy Masterworks editions. I'd say that is probably the best place to start as far as Conan goes (don't know about the Solomon Kane and Kull stories though...)


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