Sunday 6 February 2011

Giveaway! ‘The Unremembered’ (Peter Orullian)

Now here’s a title that has somehow found its way onto a whole load of ‘Looking forward to picking this one up’ type lists. Check out the blurb...

The gods, makers of worlds, seek to create balance—between matter and energy; and between mortals who strive toward the transcendent, and the natural perils they must tame or overcome. But one of the gods fashions a world filled with hellish creatures far too powerful to allow balance; he is condemned to live for eternity with his most hateful creations in that world’s distant Bourne, restrained by a magical veil kept vital by the power of song.

Millennia pass, awareness of the hidden danger fades to legend, and both song and veil weaken. And the most remote cities are laid waste by fell, nightmarish troops escaped from the Bourne. Some people dismiss the attacks as mere rumor. Instead of standing against the real threat, they persecute those with the knowledge, magic and power to fight these abominations, denying the inevitability of war and annihilation. And the evil from the Bourne swells….

The troubles of the world seem far from the Hollows where Tahn Junell struggles to remember his lost childhood and to understand words he feels compelled to utter each time he draws his bow. Trouble arrives when two strangers—an enigmatic man wearing the sigil of the feared Order of Sheason and a beautiful woman of the legendary Far—come, to take Tahn, his sister and his two best friends on a dangerous, secret journey. Tahn knows neither why nor where they will go. He knows only that terrible forces have been unleashed upon mankind and he has been called to stand up and face that which most daunts him—his own forgotten secrets and the darkness that would destroy him and his world.

I’m interested to see how far this one stretches itself beyond what looks like a fairly typical blurb. Look for a review... well... hopefully a few days after I receive my advance copy :o)

In the meantime, how do you fancy checking out this title a little earlier than the rest of us? Thanks to Tor, I have three advance copies of ‘The Unremembered’ to give away to three US/Canadian readers of the blog (sorry about that everyone else). If you want in then all you need to do is drop me an email (address at the top right hand side of the screen) telling me who you are and what your postal address is.
Your subject header will be ‘The Unremembered’.

I’ll let this one run until the 13th of February and will aim to announce the winners as soon as possible afterwards.

Good Luck!


  1. Very much looking forward to this book!

  2. I quite fancy reading this one. Shame I can't enter.

  3. entered this one Graeme. Not sure if I did the spam remove thing right.

  4. I'm just hoping that the UK edition keeps the same cover, it's lovely...

  5. i'm interested in what got you interested in a book that, by your own admission, sounds pretty run-of-the-mill for the genre.

  6. Good call anon :o)

    I guess the bottom line is that I'll always be a fan of fantasy, no matter whether it's run of the mill or not. It's the way I've been for years now.
    I'm always interested when a new fantasy novel hits my radar, whether it's well written or not... that remains to be seen.

  7. I'm looking for something new and would love to give this one a look. Thanks


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