Tuesday 10 November 2009

The 'Early Morning Competition Winners Post' - French Edition!

Just got back from a weekend in Paris (very nice it was too) and I'm really after just going to bed, stupid noisy neighbours in the hotel... Before I do that though, here are the winners from last week's competitions!

'7th Son: Descent' - J.C. Hutchins

Bryce Lee, Wyoming, USA
Rob Charron, Ontario, Canada
Sheldon Florence, British Columbia, Canada

'The Big Fat Horror Giveaway!'

Lee Barker, Thurnscoe, UK
Stuart Pickering, Birkenhead, UK
Caroline Allard, Floing, France
Mark Devery, New Zealand
Yuriy Volyanskyy, Ontario, Canada (Canada did really well this time round!)

Well done everyone, your books should be on their way really soon! Better luck next time everyone else, why don't you scroll down a little bit and see if any of the current competitions take your fancy...?

Normal service will resume soon but not until I've got some sleep. See you all in the morning! :o)


Mark Devery said...

Awesome! Thanks for the early Christmas present Graeme! :)

lee-tyke said...

Im over the moon, thanks a million Graeme , keep up with the fantastic work on the site, your reccomendations are always are always spot on : )

Sheldon Florence said...

Awesome, looking forward to the read, thanks a lot.

MrsMixx said...

Yay amazing!!! Thank you thank you!
I hope it wasnt raining in Paris this weekend because it was where i live in the north of France.

Havé a gréât week!

Film Dilettante said...

Thanks, Graeme! Your blog is a real enjoyment and I regularly turn to it for advice about the new publications. I'm more of a fantasy/SF reader, but the Horror Giveaway looked like a nice opportunity to start foray into another genre, and, surprisingly, I'm in the winners list! Good luck with everything. Salut!

Anonymous said...

Hi Graeme :)
Thank you very much!
I am very excited to read 7th Son: Descent.
All the best,

Bryce L. said...

Thanks Graeme! This has slowly become one of my favorite blogs and not just because I won. :)

Thanks again.

Seak (Bryce)