Post number 500 seemed like an ideal time to give away something pretty cool on the blog... :o)
I've got three signed first editions of Peter F. Hamilton's 'The Temporal Void' to give away (thanks to Tor UK, who are just great) to anyone who wants to know what happens next in Hamilton's 'Void' trilogy. Fancy your chances? Read on...
Entering is as easy as always. Simply drop me an email (address at the top right hand side of the screen) telling me who you are and your mailing address. The mailing address bit is really important as I can't get your book sent to you if I don't know where it's going!
This competition is open to anyone, it doesn't matter where you live! I'll be letting this one run until next Friday night (26th September) and announcing the winners on the following Saturday...
Good Luck!
Looks like a great book!
Looks like a good read to me.
Temporal Void looks like a great read.
Thanks for the contest.
yeah. looks good. should be good after all the great stuff hamilton's done. but sorry fans, this is 40 % great read, picking up 1000 plus years after the starflyer wars, and 60 % stilted, boring fluff disguised as fantasy fiction. i groaned as i realised
the dreamwanker sections are sometimes 80 pages long.i ended up browsing or skipping them to get back to the good stuff (which by the way could have, and should have comprised the whole story with just a few MUCH SHORTER dream chapters) in the words of the character gore, only
"stupid dumb sh-ts" would be excited by his story and actually want to travel to the void to live it. this applies to the gushing fans who (god help me, i don't how)somehow enjoy it and write reviews praising it. i think hamilton, after realising he'd written hundreds of pages of crap inserted that line to insult the readers who's intelligence he's already insulted by allowing this book to be published.fool me twice , but not 3 times dude. i won't be shelling out 17 euro for the 3rd book.
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