Tuesday, 11 May 2010

The 'I'm actually getting a decent amount of sleep' competition winner's post!

Hope is proving to be quite the chilled out little baby at the moment. She'll let us know if there's something wrong but, in the meantime, she's quite happy to wave her legs in the air and watch what's going on. This means that both Sue and I are getting more sleep than we'd planned, long may it stay that way!

One thing I am finding though is that I just cannot get into any book that I pick up at the moment. Not that there's anything wrong with what I'm trying to read but other things are taking priority. I'm back at work next week so hopefully we'll see things return to normal, 'review wise', on the blog.

In the meantime, and slightly later than I'd intended, here are the winners of last week's competitions...

'The City & The City'

Kriti Godey, Ohio, USA
Stephen Ahn, California, USA
Joan Bedinger, Georgia, USA

The 'Autumn Rain' Competition

Roberta Padoan, from Italy, won herself a copy of 'The Machinery of Light'

Neville Thompson, of South Africa, bagged himself a copy of 'The Mirrored Heavens'

Well done everyone! Your books will be on their way very soon :o) Better luck next time everyone else...


Joan said...

Wow, thanks so much! This just made my Monday a lot better. I can't wait for the book to arrive.

Kriti said...

Thank you, Graeme! I love China Miéville, and I'm really looking forward to reading this book!

buddyt said...

This is really great Graeme !

I sometimes get really stressed when reading a series and having to wait for the next book to come out ( think Steven Erikson !).

Now I can start the series knowing that I can get the rest of the trilogy if I like the book.


Roby said...

Thank you! I'm really happy! I couldn't belive it, at first.

Celine said...

Dude, I don't know anyone who could concentrate on reading after thier first baby was born. Don't fret over it. Enjoy the chilled out little leg waver instead :)

(have to say 'congrats' again. SUch great news.)

Unknown said...

Been an avid follower for a while and i win the first time i join a contest. Very very awesome!