Thursday 27 September 2012

Giveaway! 'Black Bottle' (Anthony Huso)

And we come to the final competition of the week. Thanks for sticking with me; this is (of course) a scheduled post but I'm assuming that, by now, I should have a good pile of books ready and waiting to be reviewed. Expect normal service to resume shortly :o)

Until then, how about winning a copy of Anthony Huso's 'Black Bottle'. Erm... I mean the book, not a 'lucky dip' into his drinks cabinet :o) Sorry, couldn't help myself... Here's the blurb,

Tabloids sold in the Duchy of Stonehold claim that the High King, Caliph Howl, has been raised from the dead. His consort, Sena Iilool, both blamed and celebrated for this act, finds that a macabre cult has sprung up around her.

As this news spreads, Stonehold—long considered unimportant—comes to the attention of the emperors in the southern countries. They have learned that the seed of Sena’s immense power lies in an occult book, and they are eager to claim it for their own.

Desperate to protect his people from the southern threat, Caliph is drawn into a summit of the world’s leaders despite the knowledge that it is a trap. As Sena’s bizarre actions threaten to unravel the summit, Caliph watches her slip through his fingers into madness.

But is it really madness? Sena is playing a dangerous game of strategy and deceit as she attempts to outwit a force that has spent millennia preparing for this day. Caliph is the only connection left to her former life, but it’s his blood that Sena needs to see her plans through to their explosive finish.

For the record, I still need to read 'The Last Page' but this does look interesting... This competition is only open to US residents, sorry about that.

If you're still here then you know how it goes. Just drop me an email (address at the top right hand corner of the screen) telling me who you are and what your postal address is. The subject header needs to be 'Black Bottle'. I'll do everything else.

I'm letting this one run until the 30th of September (so you might want to get that entry in quickly...) and will aim to announce the winners as soon as possible afterwards.

Good Luck!

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