Friday 28 September 2012

Cover Art! 'Throne of the Crescent Moon' (UK Edition)

I already reviewed 'Throne', a few months ago, but I also received an advance copy of the UK edition (and I've only just managed to find a picture of the cover, thanks Pat) and I thought it was worth posting. Here goes...

On the whole, I do like this cover. It's understated but very much what the book is about at the same time. Unfortunately, the sparing use of blood means that every time I catch the cover out of the corner of my eye I keep thinking that there's a new 'Twilight' book in the house. It's not the books fault at all but is still very disconcerting when it happens...

Whatever is on the cover though, I'd recommend you give 'Throne' a go. It's definitely worth the read :o)

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