Tuesday 5 June 2012

Cover Art! 'Breakfast in the Ruins' (Michael Moorcock)

Bit of a 'fill in post' today as I'm off into town to see if I can see the Queen (you know, Jubilee and all that). Things will be back to normal tomorrow. In the meantime, here's some cover art from a book that I picked up on the Charing Cross Road the week before last (there's some great second hand book shops to be found there). I'll buy pretty much anything with Moorcock's name on it (except possibly 'The Golden Barge'...) so I didn't take much persuading to hand some cash over. I haven't really read much outside the 'Eternal Champion' books though, has anyone here read 'Breakfast in the Ruins'? If you have, what did you think? And as far as the cover goes... The ruins are there but our hero doesn't look like he's having much of a breakfast...

1 comment:

  1. As it turns out, Michael Moorcock was just recommended to me on my post about the best British contributions to fantasy. I'll have to check it out :)


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