Monday 4 June 2012

The 'Children's Play Areas are like the nether regions of Hell...' Competition Winner's Post!

I'm not talking about regular playgrounds either, I'm talking about those massive buildings that look innocent enough from the outside but are festooned with tunnels, ball pools, rope bridges and slides on the inside. I've just spent an afternoon chasing my own small child through all of this (trying to get her to share with the other kids) whilst dodging small screaming demons from the Pit children who were hellbent on causing their own special brand of mayhem... I got out pretty much intact although I may have left a couple of vertebrae behind (it was a small price to pay).

I'm having a beer, I'm having a bath and then I'm going to bed. Before that though, here are the people who won last week's 'Amped' competition. Nice work there you winners, better luck next time everyone else... ;o)

Angela Winesburg, Maryland, US
Irene Menge, New Jersey, US
Harry Blanchard, (also from) New Jersey, US

Your books will be with you soon! My well deserved beer will be with me a lot sooner...
See you all tomorrow :o)


  1. Hahahaha, soft play!! I feel your pain, I go once a week with my 2 year old. Did you go through those carwash roller things? the ultimate humiliation when you get stuck in 'em :)

  2. You go once a week? Wow, that's brave... I'll admit to edging my way round the car wash rollers instead of going through (that would have been just asking for trouble) ;o)

  3. My LittleMan is an early riser, and it's about the only place open around here at 8.30am on a Sunday ;) Getting there dead on opening time is not too bad, most of the worst mini Hell Fiends are getting in just as we're leaving ;) If I suffer 2 hours in there it tires him out so much he has a nice long afternoon nap...which means a Sunday afternoon read for me :)


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