Tuesday 24 April 2012

Which Cover Would You Go For? (GRRM Edition)

The 'Game of Thrones' TV show is doing very well for itself so publishers across the land race to find anything GRRM wrote that they can publish. I don't blame them at all :o) I'm looking forward to reading my copy of 'The Armageddon Rag', at some point, but it was the Del Rey edition of 'Fevre Dream' that caught my eye with some lovely artwork on the cover. I used to have a copy of the Fantasy Masterworks edition and I thought, 'why not have a look at the cover art for both of them?' The Del Rey cover can go first :o)

I'm not too keen on the moody vampire (who could really do with a haircut) but what I do love is how it slowly dawns on you just how much blood there is in the picture. Really evocative and perhaps a timely reminder not to store your spare blood in a street lamp, especially not one that leaks...

A very creepy cover then, far creepier than...

There's a nice foreboding sunset but not a lot else, just a river boat plodding along. Not a lot else you can say really...

The Del Rey cover is the clear winner here, as far as I'm concerned anyway. Would you agree? Or are you a fan of the Fantasy Masterworks cover? Comments please!


  1. I like both, but I think the Del Rey one would win if they'd remove the vampire.

  2. Entirely agree; the first cover is much better, even if it's not great.

  3. Neither. The new one is striking, but it doesn't really evoke the plot for me, while the second one isn't scary, and should be. I like this one and this one better.

  4. Nearly Headless Ned24 April 2012 at 12:22

    The Masterworks cover clearly to me.
    The other one strikes me as extremely cheesy.

  5. They both suck. The Subterranean Press edition is the best, hands down.

  6. I definitely favour the former.

    Come to think of it, I can't really think of one Fantasy Masterworks cover that I feel preferable to any of it's rivals. I'm of course only comparing what few I have, but the two Fafhrd and Gray Mouser collections are much weaker than any of the other Leiber-covers that I have. Which is instrumental to my own blogging experience!

    //The Bleak Shore


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