Wednesday 25 April 2012

TOR/Forge to go DRM free

From the press release,

Tom Doherty Associates, publishers of Tor, Forge, Orb, Starscape, and Tor Teen, today announced that by early July 2012, their entire list of e-books will be available DRM-free.

“Our authors and readers have been asking for this for a long time,” said president and publisher Tom Doherty. “They’re a technically sophisticated bunch, and DRM is a constant annoyance to them. It prevents them from using legitimately-purchased e-books in perfectly legal ways, like moving them from one kind of e-reader to another.”

DRM-free titles from Tom Doherty Associates will be available from the same range of retailers that currently that currently sell their e-books. In addition, the company expects to begin selling titles through retailers that sell only DRM-free books.

What little I do know about DRM has put me off buying an e-reader so news like this is more than welcome in my house :o) Lets hope a few more publishers follow suit...

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