Thursday 23 February 2012

Zombie Quote of the Day!

I was in two minds about continuing with Madeleine Roux' 'Sadie Hewitt is Stranded' (and I'll tell you why when I review the book next week) until I came across this quote...

"I don't know, Andrea. Name me one thing worse than aquazombies. Go on, name one."
She thought for a moment, her head quirked to the side.
"Zombies with wings?"
"Jesus. That is worse."

Now I'm reading the book in the hope that I'll see winged zombies before the end. I know, I probably won't but a chap can hope... :o)

While we're here, can anyone think of anything zombie related that's worse than zombies with wings...?


  1. What horrible dialogue!

    Zombies with telekinesis would be worse.

  2. Zombies that regenerate into littler and littler zombies every time you hack them up... Oh and they projectile vomit infectious zombie juice.

  3. Zombie ninja chickens with lasers.

  4. I love it! Worse than winged zombies ...

    What about zombie zombies? When a zombie is bitten by another zombie, dies and becomes a zombie zombie ... like zombie squared, or super zombie.

  5. Zombie tarantulas. Makes me pre-vom just thinking about it.


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