Wednesday 22 February 2012

The 'It's Rothfuss!' Slightly Later Than Normal Competition Winner's Post!

Thanks to everyone who left a comment on yesterday's post; I'd like to say that I am already deep into 'The Wise Man's Fear' but page seven isn't exactly 'deep into', is it...? ;o) I'll get there as and when (what with all the other, shorter, books I've got on the go right now), next up after that will be 'Dust of Dreams' and then 'The White Luck Warrior'. If I'm very lucky I might have finished them all by the end of the year...

Anyway, enough of that for now as I have a few competition winners to announce... finally. Sorry about that, this week has been a busy one already. Thanks to everyone who entered the competitions and better luck next time to those who didn't win this time. Those lucky winners were...

Euan Au, London, UK
James Collins, West Midlands, UK

Charles Fraker, North Chesterfield, USA
Jeff Raymond, Millbury, USA
Sabrina Osborn, Washington, USA
Shaun Duke, Florida, USA  32608
Pat Forsythe, Texas, USA

Well done everyone, your books are on their way even as we speak! Better luck next time everyone else, fancy entering one of the two competitions that are still open? (Scroll down a bit for them).

See you all tomorrow, I've got some reading to do :o)


  1. Yayyy! Thanks for the giveaway, Graeme. Looking forward to reading it.

  2. Thanks so much Graeme!! Read your blog daily and have enjoyed several of your recommendations. Keep up the good work!

  3. Thanks very much, Graeme. Looking forward to it!

  4. How's it going with Wise Mans Fear, man?

  5. Very shocked that I won, thanks again Graeme


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