Saturday 25 February 2012

A Short Interlude (Courtesy of Calvin & Hobbes)...

I didn't realise it but I've been getting all burnt out and jaded with my reading just recently, not being able to get into anything and so on. My clever wife totally realised though and, having banned me from the reading pile for an evening, sat me down with a big pile of 'Calvin & Hobbes' books instead of my normal fare.

Talk about revisiting old friends that I haven't seen in ages :o) I haven't laughed so much in a long time and I put the books down promising myself that I wouldn't leave it so long until I hung out with those two again. Now I'm totally ready to dive back into the pile :o)
Here's one of my favourite 'Calvin & Hobbes' cartoons (you might need to click on it to make it bigger), have you got a favourite?


  1. My favourite's the one when Calvin's hammering nails into the coffee table, and his mom screams at him "CALVIN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO THE COFFEE TABLE?!?"
    Calvin takes a minute, then responds, "Is this some sort of trick question, or what?"

    LOVE Calvin & Hobbes! An excellent idea for decompressing. If you want something to fill the gap of C&H's end, then I'd recommend Zits by Scott & Borgman.

  2. Funnily enough I was just thinking of Calvin and Hobbes yesterday. We have a huge window in the middle grade and YA section of our library. It gives out to our backyard and right now there's basically nothing but lots of untouched snow. The weather yesterday was just right for making snowmen and it got me thinking that it would be great fun to make a few Calvin & Hobbes -style snowmen out there (mutilation and death).

    Then we could put the comic books on display on a table in front of the window. For some reason no-one has loaned them out for a long time, and I thought this would be a cool way to get them introduced to a new generation of readers. Unfortunately rest of the staff didn't like the idea as the parents of younger children might complain. :(

  3. One of my favorite is the Snowman House of Horrors but I pretty much love all of them.

  4. I adored Calvin and Hobbes when I first discovered them over here. I think my personal favourite was when he turned his cardboard box into a time machine and tried to use time travel to write a composition for school. The 3 Calvins (past, present and future) wasted their time arguing and the 3 Hobbes wrote the composition. I think Calvin may have received one of his highest ever marks in school for it.


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