Sunday 26 February 2012

Dear Del Rey...

Just wanted to say hi and thanks for sending me an advance copy of ‘Caine’s Law’. I read ‘Caine Black Knife’ way back at the end of 2008 and enjoyed the hell out of it so I’m really looking forward to what should hopefully be more of the same.

I still have a copy of ‘Heroes Die’ that I need to read but I was saving it until I could get hold of a copy of ‘Blade of Tyshalle’. You know, read the whole lot at once kind of thing? But here’s the thing… I can’t for the life of me find a copy of ‘Blade of Tyshalle’ that isn’t an ebook and doesn’t cost upwards of silly money for a physical copy. What’s up with that?

I know you’ll probably turn round and say that the ebook is there for anyone who wants it and that’s fine. What about those people who don’t have a Kindle or a Nook or whatever else? People like, erm… me for example. People like me who might enjoy ‘Caine’s Law’ and ‘Caine Black Knife’ and then want to go back and read the rest in order? Except… Oh, they can’t. It’s a shame really…

I guess I’m wondering why you’re releasing the most recent ‘Caine’ book (and I’d imagine any future books as well) as a hard copy but you don’t seem too keen on going back a couple of books and plugging in that gap? Even an omnibus edition, collecting the first two books, would work for me and quite possibly a whole bunch of others.

The ‘Caine’ series is one of those series that has critical acclaim thrown at it on a regular basis. Is there any chance that you could make the whole series accessible to everyone who wants to read it? If not then the only way I’ll ever read ‘Blade of Tyshalle’ is if I spend eighty nine pounds on a Kindle first…



(Edited To Add) P.S. In a move that I never saw coming, my Mum rung me five minutes after the post went up to let me know that she had found a copy of 'Blade of Tyshalle' really cheap online and would get it for me. I'm sitting pretty now but don't think that lets you off the hook Del Rey. What about all those other people that don't have an ebook reader and can't afford a second hand copy...?


  1. Hi Graeme.Back when i had money and was still into collecting books i bought Blade of Tyshalle from the american amazon for 17 british pounds.Not to bad considering some of the prices its going for now but that was before the recession hit.I cant and wouldn't pay that for a book now.Thankfully i have a huge TBR pile to get through so it will be a while before i get an ereader.I havent even started Heroes die so i am yet to find out if this series will have been worth my money lol.Unfortunately i dont think Del rey will come to your aid.Book companys are notoriously bad at spotting gaps in the market and actually making money for them selves and there writers.I look forward to your review of Caine’s Law.

  2. For books like these, whether or not you have a kindle, you can get the kindle app for most phones and for both mac and pc. Also, I think there is a web based kindle reader that could be used on a work computer. I didn't realize how versatile these apps were until I gotta kindle, but now I almost prefer reading on my phone.

  3. I'm tempted to mail you my copy. I think Stover is the single most underrated author in all of SF/F. His writing is gripping, intense and bleak but at the same time leavened with humor.

    Andy L

  4. Hey, looks like you could pick up "Heroes Die" on amazon (dot) com for 8 bucks (U.S.). I don't think that the shipping would kill you, and then you would have a copy for a semi-reasonable price. Just something to think about. Good luck!

  5. I've added a little 'P.S.' in case you haven't seen it, happy ending for me! :o)

  6. First thing I bought when I got my Kindle a couple months ago - Blade of Tyshalle. I understand your pain!!


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