Saturday 6 August 2011

What Cover/Title Would You Go For?

I love it when a post about cover art suddenly becomes so much more... ;o) There’s still a debate to had over the relative merits of cover art but, as an added bonus, we now get to talk about titles as well. Take Drew Magary’s new book (due for publication at the end of September), check out the blurb...

A gripping, compulsive thriller set in a future where the cure for ageing has been discovered… to devastating consequences

John Farrell is about to get “The Cure.” Old age can never kill him now. The only problem is, everything else still can . . .

Imagine a near future where a cure for ageing is discovered and – after much political and moral debate – made available to people worldwide. Immortality, however, comes with its own unique problems – including evil green people, government euthanasia programs, a disturbing new religious cult, and other horrors. Witty, eerie, and full of humanity, an unforgettable thriller that envisions a pre-apocalyptic world so real that it is completely terrifying.

So far so good but you might want to be careful where you pick this book up...

If you buy Drew Magary’s book in the US, you will be buying...

But if you buy it in the UK, you’ll be buying this instead...

In terms of the cover, they both pretty much have the same picture but I’m going with the UK cover here if only because I would lose the US copy if I dropped it on the carpet in my front room. Yes, my carpet is that colour and I don’t regret making that choice at all :o) The UK cover is a lot less cartoonish as well and that’s what I generally tend towards.

The title though... One says what our main character is, the other looks like it says what he does. I’m going with ‘The End Specialist’ this time, there’s a hint of adventure and mystery that ‘The Postmortal’ just doesn’t offer (preferring instead to just tell it like it is).

Any easy choice for me then, how about you though? What title/cover combination do you prefer? All comments in the usual place please!


  1. I think I like the UK cover more but the US title. Just to complicate tje issue!

  2. I'll take the U.S. edition. I don't understand why they're changing the titles on all these books. They did it with Low Town and the Soho book. It's rather irritating, to be honest. Pick a title and stick with it...

  3. UK publisher sent me the book this week (the ARC has a different cover, but the UK art is included on the back). I agree with you - prefer the UK version (title and cover). Looking forward to giving it a try.

  4. I like the UK cover and the U.S. title. The U.S. Title has a bit of wit and the other strikes me as, well, boring.

  5. I like them both, but with the UK preferred. I do think both titles are pretty clever though I have yet to read the book.

  6. Gotta go with the US. The UK one looks like it's trying to have it both ways, with a "serious" overall look, but the still fairly-cartoony skeleton; and it still manages to look pretty generic in the end.

    The US cover goes all out cartoony, a style which fits the goofy skeleton that much better, anyway.


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