Sunday 7 August 2011

Giveaway! ‘Conan the Barbarian’ – Again!

You’d be forgiven for looking at the title of this post and thinking that Blogger has somehow lost the posts from the last couple of weeks. Don’t worry, it’s ok :o) That post is safely tucked away over there, this is a brand new competition albeit for the same book...

So what’s that all about then? Well, once I realised there was also a UK edition I thought it would be good if I could give UK readers a crack at winning a copy as well. I’m also tinkering with the idea of a ‘Robert E. Howard Month’ here (to tie in with the release of the ‘Conan’ movie) so this post seemed like the obvious way to go.

Onto the competition then...

Thanks to Gollancz, this time, I have one copy of ‘Conan the Barbarian’ to give to one lucky reader. That lucky reader will have to be a UK resident though as this competition is only open to people living in the UK. (If you live in Europe and you’re wondering where all the ‘Europe only’ competitions have gone... I’m working on it!)

To enter, all you need to do is drop me an email (address at the top right hand side of the page) telling me who you are and what your postal address is, your subject header will be ‘Conan, again!’ I’ll do everything else.

I’ll leave this one open until the 14th of August and will aim to announce the winner as soon as possible afterwards.

Good Luck!

1 comment:

  1. Was waiting for A uk comp after some time.Thanks


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