Monday 23 May 2011

The ‘Post Apocalyptic’ Competition Winner’s Post!

Afternoon folks and welcome to this brave new post apocalyptic world that we all inhabit now after the events of the weekend... Hang on, that didn’t actually happen after all did it? People the whole world over just got on with business as usual but things were actually pretty apocalyptic in my house... An ill wife and puking baby ganging up and giving me their germs? I was glad to leave the house and come to work this morning!

Right, on with the competition winners from last week (and there are a few of them)! Congratulations to everyone who won, better luck next time everyone else...

‘The Warlord’s Legacy’ (Ari Marmell)

Ryan Poole, Cheshire, UK

‘Corsets & Clockwork’ (Trisha Telep)

Before I tell you who the winners are, I just want to say thanks to everyone who made me laugh with their comments regarding the competition email header. You all know who you are, thanks for the chuckles! :o)

The winners were...

Maria Patrinou, Greece
Daniel Franklin, Manchester, UK
Mel Symonds, Surrey, UK
Kim Stewart, California
Rob Weber, The Netherlands

Well done everyone, your books should be on their way soon!
Due to the weekend being a bit manic, I really can't remember what I've got lined up for the blog this week (there's a pile of 'read books' next to the bed, that's all I can tell you...) I guess it's going to be a surprise for us all :o) Stick around...


  1. Aaaah now we really need to read those corset comments!! Come on, post them and share the laughs!!

  2. Well that header was just begging for a reply wasn't it ;)

    And yay for free books!

  3. Wow - thanks for the win! Now I feel like I need to find a clockwork corset to celebrate! :)

  4. Awesome, Graeme, you made my day! Thank you! :) (This is Maria from Greece, btw)

  5. Yay, I won!

    I missed this post the first time round so having a book delivered was quite unexpected.

    Thanks, and I'll look forward to reading it!

  6. The book has arrived here as well. Thanks again!


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