Sunday 22 May 2011

Cover Art! ‘The World House – Restoration’ (Guy Adams)

If we’re talking about ‘Eagerly Anticipated Books in 2011’ then I’m probably looking forward to all the same stuff that you are; like a certain long awaited book about dragons released in July for instance... There’s another book, due to be released in July that I’m even more excited about though. I’m talking about ‘Restoration’ which is the sequel to Guy Adams’ ‘The World House’, a book that I utterly adored when I read it (read my review Here)

I’ve been lucky enough to get my hands on an advance copy of ‘Restoration’ which is now officially a high priority read on the reading pile (no promises about when it will be read though, I’ve made that mistake before...) In the meantime, check out the cover art...

Simple yet very effective in its execution although the subject matter maybe isn’t that inspiring. The cover image will make a lot more sense if you’ve read ‘The World House; actually, the whole book will probably make a lot more sense if you read ‘The World House’ first! Here’s the blurb...

They sought the box for many years, because held inside that arcane magical artefact was, miraculously, a house. But now its real purpose has become clear – it was a prison, and the infinitely evil being it was built to imprison has been let loose. Now the real quest begins in earnest.

Bring it on...

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