Sunday 2 January 2011

What books are you looking forward to in 2011?

Just a quick one to get us going now that we've had New Year's Day and we're all facing the prospect of another long year ahead...

I made a few posts, towards the end of 2010, pointing out books that might be worth keeping an eye for in 2011. Now it's your turn... :o)

It's a simple question, what books are you looking forward to finally seeing in 2011? Give us some reasons to look forward to the year ahead! :o) Can we just assume though that everyone is looking forward to seeing a certain book by a certain GRRM...? ;o)

All comments welcome! (Apart from the spam that is...)


  1. Looking forward to, yes.. a book from someone named george rr martin; Wiseman's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss; Jacqueline Carey's Naamah's Blessing; and, 'o course! Erikson's The Crippled God! :)

  2. Embassytown by China Mieville

  3. Although I'm way backlogged at the moment, I do have at least 6 guaranteed purchases, all conveniently coming out in April/May timeframe. They are, in no order:

    - Kingkiller Chronicles: Wise Man's Fear (Patrick Rothfuss)
    - Dresden Files: Ghost Story (Jim Butcher)
    - Gentlemen Bastards: Republic of Thieves (Scott Lynch)
    - The Neon Court, Or, The Betrayal of Matthew Swift (Kate Griffin)
    - Thursday Next Series: One of Our Thursdays is Missing (Jasper Fforde)
    - The Heroes (Joe Abercrombie)
    - And much later on, the new Felix Castor novel (Mike Carey)

    I realize these are all parts of series, but I don't really have the money to venture out and purchase new books without sufficient research as to if I would like them.

  4. Definitely looking forward to "Wise Man's Fear". Hope it lives up to the expectations set by the first one.

  5. There are a LOT of exciting books being released in 2011. I've mentioned a couple on my own site already, but here are some stand-out-wish-I-didn't-have-to-wait novels:

    Douglas Hulick, "Among Thieves"
    Col Buchanan, "Stands A Shadow"
    Jon Courtney Grimwood, "The Fallen Blade"
    Ari Marmell, "The Warlord's Legacy"
    Dan Abnett, "Embedded"
    Alan Campbell, "Sea of Ghosts"
    Scott Lynch, "Republic of Thieves"

  6. These are the books I'm looking forward to:

    Snuff - Terry Pratchett (the previous two Watch books are my favorite Discworld books, so a new one is even more exciting than I Shall Wear Midnight was)
    I Don't Want to Kill You - Dan Wells
    The Wise Man's Fear - Patrick Rothfuss
    Mistborn: Alloy of Law - Brandon Sanderson
    Schlock Mercenary book 12: Force Multiplication - Howard Tayler (ongoing in webcomic form, it might not be printed this year)

  7. Prospero burns and God king for me.

  8. I;m looking forward to all the usual suspects, Wise Man's Fear, Republic of Thieves and The Crippled God. But I'm also looking forward to Ben Aaronovitch's Rivers of London, Blake Charlton's Spellbound abd Kristen Britain's Blackveil. There's a lot more I want to read but thoise popped into my head the fastest :D

  9. The Rivers of London, The Neon Court and new Felix castor novel (if this year) and must buys for londoners. Also looking forward to new Jim Butcher Dresdens books and Kelley Armstrong books! Could be a great year for books!

  10. Really not going to be happy unless GRRM or Bakker release a book.

    Wise Man's Fear might suffice, but Lynch and Abercrombie's last weren't so great.

    And I won't get to The Crippled God this year....

  11. Bakker's new book is out in March in the USA and May in the UK.

  12. I lok forward to books by
    Patrick Rothfuss, George R.R. Martin, Robert V.S. Redick, Alex Bledsoe. Blake Charlton, Col Buchanan, Joe Abercrombie, K.J. Parker, Jon Courtenay Grimwood, Adrian Tchaikovsky, Steven Erikson, Alan Campbell, Daniel Abraham, Mark Charan Newton, Paul Kearney, Brian Ruckley, Mark Lawrence, N.K.Jemisin, Richard Morgan, Ken Scholes, Ian Tregillis, Alex Scarrow .........

    And as I like steampunk I look forward especially to the four following books:

    Morlock Night (pb, 2011) [ISBN-13: 978-0857661005] by K. W. Jeter
    Angry Robots (UK): 26 April

    Infernal Devices (pb, 2011) [ISBN-13: 978-0857660978] by K. W. Jeter
    Angry Robots (UK): 26 April

    The Martian Ambassador [ISBN-13: 978-1907777080] by Alan Baker.
    Snowbooks (UK): March 2011

    The Curious Case of the Clockwork Man by Mark Hodder
    Snowbooks (UK) and Pyr (US): March 2011 version.

  13. I'm definitely looking forward to
    Gentlemen Bastards: Republic of Thieves (Scott Lynch)
    but also loads and loads of books. Just to mention a few authors: David Weber, S.M.Stirling, Patricia Briggs, George Mann, Jim Butcher,David Drake, Cherie Priest, John Birmingaham...and oh so many others...
    Time is definitely going to be a huge factor :)

  14. I am looking foreword to a memory of light to finally finish of the wheel of time series.

  15. The Crippled God by Steven Erikson and Stonewielder by Ian C. Esselmont.

  16. I get disappointed so often that I refuse to pin my hopes on something until I KNOW it's coming out. Looking forward to Abercrombie's The Heroes and Seanan McGuire's Late Eclipses and Deadline as Mira Grant.

  17. I'm looking forward to Engineering Infinity (which I picked up today actually), edited by Strahan, as well as Strahan's other collections coming out this year: Eclipse Four, Life on Mars, and The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year. I'm also looking forward to reading Paul McAuley for the first time with Cowboy Angels, looking forward to Gene Wolfe's book Home Fires, and Alex Bledsoe's next Eddie LaCrosse book, Dark Jenny, Alan Bradley's third Flavia de Luce book, Fuzzy Nation by John Scalzi...

    I'm sure the list will grow as the months pass by.


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