Monday 3 January 2011

New Year's Reading Resolutions

Because it's the 'Reading Resolutions' that you're really interested in, right? Do you really want to know that I plan to try and lose some weight (again) this year and stay off the Fruitellas? Or would you rather know about my vague resolution to eat an entire pig all in one go, this week, so as to put myself off eating sausage sandwiches for the rest of 2011? Okay, one of those resolutions wasn't true...

It's all about the reading today and this has thrown up some contradictory resolutions...

1) No More Promises!

Seriously, even though that negates the whole point of making resolutions... It felt like I spent the whole of 2010 saying that I'd read stuff for the blog that never ended up happening (I just couldn't get into 'The Anubis Gates'...) and that's not going to happen again this year. Having said that though...

2) Get to the Bottom of the Reading Pile...

Just because it's getting too big now and Hope is able to crawl now, I don't want any accidents... There's also a whole load of really good books in there that I'm excited to read and I don't want to hang around! This means...

3) Read 'Thick' Books...

You know what I mean :o) This blog has lived off books weighing in at a slender 300-400 pages long and it's way past time it had something a little meatier to chew on (it'll also solve the reading pile issue!) This can only mean one thing...

4) Finally Finish the 'Malazan Series'...

It has to be done. I'm about three books behind now and that's almost beyond the point of no return. 2011 will be the year that I get up to speed here with a series that is still my favourite despite my not being able to get back into it.

And finally...

5) Have a little Fun here :o)

Because there's really no point otherwise, is there?

That should be manageable I think :o) I'd also like to read roughly the same number of books that I did last year, we'll see how we go...

What about you though? What are your reading resolutions for 2011? Do you have a certain number of books that you'd like to read? Is there a particular author that you haven't got round to trying yet? All comments are welcome and we'll see where we all get to by the end of the year...


  1. I haven't set any resolutions regarding reading as such. I do want to read more than last year and I got over 70 books then. I'd too like to get to the bottom of my ever expanding TBR pile, but realistically I just don't think it will happen. I would like to make some real inroads into the list of 100 Must-Read Fantasy novels that I started in March of last year. I got through 23 of them, at this rate I won't finish the list until sometime in 2013 and I'd much prefer to be well over it by that time. I have made a resolution I can stick to though and that's to update my blog at least once a week.

  2. I'm not bit on resolutions and I read so much now I don't put any pressure on myself to do more.
    One thing I want to do is try more new authors this year, especially fantasy authors. And I want to read more from some of the authors I've tried this year like James Enge.

  3. My own reading goals for 2011 include accomplishing all the challenges I signed up for (which, among other things, involves me making the effort to read at least 100 books in the coming year), to do a few giveaways on the blog, and to trim down my reading pile, because that thing's getting far too large!

    Best of luck with your goals!

  4. I too plan to get through my teetering pile of yet to be read books. Mostly because I have a wedding to save for, so I can't be spending every last cent on new books! (No matter how shiny...)

  5. Id like to read something different from the Black library,Forgotten Realms books ive been reading. I think i need more Zombies in 2011.

    Keep up the good work best blog on the net!

  6. Resolution? To find more book storage solutions. My better half has dropped hints about a 'one out one in' policy for books. I'm much better at the in bit.

  7. I'm aquiring a large amount of tutorial type books (paint, craft) that I 'oooooh' over, beg people to buy me for Christmas and birthdays and then they sit on my shelf. I plan to read them and start learning from them this year... mainly because there is a load of new ones I have my eye on ;)

    I want to get started on that zombie graphic novel series too this year.

  8. Perfect resolutions! I like the no more promises thing. I decided long ago not to accept books for review from any individuals because I wouldn't get around to reading them. I do accept books from a couple larger companies but only ones I request myself, so that I know I have more of an intention to get to them and get to them soon.

    I posted my resolutions the other day, which involved reading more of what I already own and making sure to read a greater percentage of what I may buy during the year rather than having it merely add to the pile.

    I wish you all the best on these, especially the 'having fun' resolution. That's what it is all about after all.

  9. I have resolved to start reading (and perhaps even reviewing - as you do, Graeme) comic books again, after kicking the habit to the curb years ago for purely financial reasons.

    The Walking Dead compendium, collecting the first 50-odd singles issues of the series, seems like a swell place to start. But where to go afterwards, I wonder?

  10. My reading goals this year are to read more books than last year (50-ish), read 12 books by 12 different women and read 20 Hugo winners. Of course there is a lot of convenient overlap with those goals. (I'm reading Downbelow Station by C.J. Cherryh now ;)

    I'm also going to force myself to read off my existing pile for every other book (a concession for the Mrs.) and update my blog 2 times a week.


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