Sunday 30 January 2011

A Lazy Sunday Cover Art Post...

Because, well... it's Sunday isn't it? After the last week at work today is officially a lazy Sunday. It's such a lazy Sunday, in fact, that I can't even be bothered to do one of those posts where I link to other people's posts. If that's what you're looking for then click on the blog names at the right hand side of the screen, the content is all good :o)

Yep, what you're getting today is a brief look into my reading pile and what may or may not be read in the next few weeks...

The 'Will Reads'...

A lush and gorgeous setting in your book means that you get a lush and gorgeous picture on your book cover. It's only fair isn't it? I enjoyed 'The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms' so will be picking this up soon.

Proof positive that once you've got a multi-million dollar franchise behind you then you can have covers that are as generic as you like. The cover for 'Knight Errant' could really be the cover for any Star Wars book, couldn't it? Proving my own point though, I'm hoping to have this one read in the next week :o)

The 'Might Read'...

I'm not sure whether I'll pick this one up or not as I really didn't get on with 'Hunt for Voldorious'. Can't deny it's a gorgeous cover though :o) If  I spilled his pint, I'd apologise quickly and buy him two pints...

The 'Probably Won't Read'...

This one should probably sit in the 'might read' list but I haven't read 'The Bookman' and I've got a feeling that I should read this before picking up 'Camera Obscura'. I probably won't be reading 'The Bookman' anytime soon so can't see myself reading 'Camera Obscura'. Or is it 'stand alone'? I've got no idea...
Anyway, it's another nice looking cover if nothing else :o)

Have a great Sunday, whatever you're doing!


  1. I must get around to reading Broken Kingdoms soon. I got my copy shortly into the new year, and I've been so busy catching up on other books that I keep forgetting I even own it! Maybe I'll try to make a point of reading it this week; if it's as good as the previous book in the series, I know I'll love it.

  2. yep. the bookman and camera obscura are BOTH standalone. so dig in!


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