Monday 31 January 2011

The 'I've been promised free tortillas!' Competition Winner's Post!

Is there any better way to start the week than to be promised free tortillas? No, I didn't think so either... Thank you nice lady handing out free tortilla leaflets at the entrance to my office! All I have to do now is come to work tomorrow and pick up the little coupon that gets me the grub (a good reason to come to work)...

I'm not the only person though who will be getting free stuff (and I'm not counting everyone else who picked up a free tortilla leaflet outside my work); I'm talking about the two people who won copies of 'The Difference Engine' in the competition I ran last week. The lucky winners were...

Milo Milton-Jefferies, Devon, UK
Jamie Gibbs, Merthyr Tydfil, Wales

Well done guys! Your books will be on their way as soon as I can make it to a post office to send them...

Have a great week everyone! I'm working my way through 'Knight Errant' so as to have a review up later this week. What you can count on appearing though are reviews for James Lovegrove's 'The Age Of Odin', Dan Abnett's first 'Gaunt's Ghosts' omnibus and Charlie Higson's 'The Dead'...

1 comment:

  1. Hey, thanks for the book, and It should be a great read :). (Milo)


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