Monday 27 December 2010

Giveaway! ‘Thirteen Years Later’ – Jasper Kent

If you enjoyed Jasper Kent’s ‘Twelve’ then this could be the competition for you...

The mass market paper back for ‘Thirteen Years Later’ is out at the beginning of January and, thanks to Transworld Books, I have five copies to give away. Check out the blurb...

Aleksandr made a silent promise to the Lord. God would deliver him--would deliver Russia--and he would make Russia into the country that the Almighty wanted it to be. He would be delivered from the destruction that wasteth at noonday, and from the pestilence that walketh in darkness--the terror by night...
1825, Europe--and Russia--have been at peace for ten years. Bonaparte is long dead and the threat of invasion is no more. For Colonel Aleksei Ivanovich Danilov, life is peaceful. Not only have the French been defeated but so have the twelve monstrous creatures he once fought alongside, and then against, ten or more years ago. His duty is still to serve and to protect his tsar, Aleksandr the First, but now the enemy is human. 

However the Tsar knows that he can never be at peace. Of course, he is aware of the uprising fermenting within the Russian army--among his supposedly loyal officers. No, what troubles him is something that threatens to bring damnation down upon him, his family and his country. The Tsar has been reminded of a promise: a promise born of blood...a promise that was broken a hundred years before.
Now the one who was betrayed by the Romanovs has returned to exact revenge for what has been denied him. And for Aleksei, knowing this chills his very soul. For it seems the vile pestilence that once threatened all he believed in and all he held dear has returned, thirteen years later... 

Do you want in? Just in case you were wondering... This competition is open to everyone, it doesn’t matter where you live :o)

Entering is really easy (same as ever). My email address is at the top right hand corner of the page, just drop me a line telling me who you are and what your mailing address is. The subject header needs to be ‘Thirteen Years Later’.

I’ll leave this one open until the 9th of January and will aim to announce the winners as soon as possible afterwards.

Good Luck!


  1. Hi Graeme,

    nice to see an "open to everyone" competition.
    When will you post yr review on this one?



  2. Great giveaway! I'd love to be entered.

    Please count me in. Thanks.

    avalonne83 [at] yahoo [dot] it


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