Tuesday 28 December 2010

Cover Art - 'The Dragon with the Girl Tattoo' (Adam Roberts)

One of the ways that you can tell it's Christmas is by Adam Roberts releasing a book that pokes more than a little fun at a more well established/recently successful work. I'm thinking 'I am Scrooge', 'The Sellamillion' and 'The Soddit' amongst others...

This time round it's the turn of Stieg Larsson's 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' to get the 'Roberts Treatment. I was given a copy but won't be reading it, purely because this one feels like you actually need to need to have read the original first to get the jokes here (and I won't be doing that, I don't know why but it just doesn't appeal to me). I love the cover though so thought I'd feature it here, check it out...

I'm not sure how you would describe the grin on the dragon's face but... I like it :o)
Has anyone here read the original? What did you think of it?


  1. Love it! :D

    Not read the original - don't know why, I even bought it a while back but have since passed it on. I know it's supposed to be amazing which is why I bought it but nothing about it makes me want to read it... again I don't know why.

  2. I saw this on the Kindle store and thought 'am I seeing this right?' I should have realised it was Adam 'Soddit' Roberts. I think I may give this one a miss, silly looking though it is.


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