Monday 29 November 2010

The 'Where's My Damn Snow?' Competition Winner's Post

Seriously, where is it? It's not as if it isn't cold enough and everywhere else seems to be all snowed upon; where's Londons snow? Just a little bit of the stuff would have given us all a good reason to stay at home and avoid the latest Tube strike (it's just like being back in the nineteen eighties at the moment, only with better haircuts...)

Hope you all had a good one this weekend! Despite the above 'mini-rant' I actually had a great weekend, possibly because I turned on all the radiators and didn't step out of the house once; the recipe for a perfect winter weekend :o)

What's that? Oh yes, competition winners. You want to know who won the 'Seed Seeker' and 'Virga' competitions? Here you go...

'Seed Seeker' (Pamela Sargent)

Penny Crampton, Virginia Beach, US
Randall Newnham, Oregon, US

'Virga: Cities of the Air' (Karl Schroeder)

Christina Oseland, Minnesota, US
Justin Lee, Brooklyn, US
Joan Bedinger, Georgia, US

Well done guys! Your books will be on the way very soon. Better luck next time everyone else...


  1. London is ALWAYS better with snow. It makes it rather magical and aesthetically pleasing.

    I didn't mind London in the summer, but I was there in 2009 and it was HO-T.

    Just better in the winter.

    Your snow is on the way sir. I'll send some along from Canada. :)

  2. You can keep the damn snow! We had a light flurry this morning here in Kent around 7.30 am-ish and I had to drive the kids to school in it. Couldn't get home fast enough to get the heating on. No such luxury in radiators for us. Oh no - one poxy 'leccy heater that I have to fight the dogs away from to get some heat ;)

    Congrats winners :)

  3. Yay! Can't wait to get the book! There's a lot of reading to be done now that winter has sort of started in MN.
    Thanks so much!

  4. Awesome! Thanks, Greame. Really looking forward to reading this. Always fun to try out authors I haven't read before.

  5. This made my day, thanks! I can't wait to read it; I've heard about it before and been interested, but never got the chance before now.

  6. Hooray! I'm excited to get the book! Thank you for the opportunity, Graeme!


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