Sunday 28 November 2010

A Cover Art Post: 'The Good, The Bad and the Unfortunate...'

One of my more self explanatory posts... :o) A quick look at the reading pile threw up the following gems and a few... well, you tell me...

The Good...

'The Emperor's Finest' - Sandy Mitchell

This is just what you would expect recruiting posters in the Imperium to look like. In your face and absolutely glorious! I'm a big fan of Black Library cover art and you can see why here...

'The Bone Palace' - Amanda Downum

The cover art for Amanda Downum's 'The Drowning City' was enough to get me reading and the same applies here :o) However, I am hoping for a better read from 'The Bone Palace' than I got with 'The Drowning City'...

The Bad...

'The Human Blend' - Alan Dean Foster

A thriller about genetics or the sad tale of a horse with cataracts (there's something about the hair that lends a sense of the equine here...)? Looking at this cover, I'm not sure at all. Can anyone say one way or the other...?

'Trio of Sorcery' - Mercedes Lackey

Not so much bad as... lazy and bland. A blurred picture of a woman, wow... An artist somewhere is bathing in money and hoping that the requests for cover art are just as undemanding next time round. You just know I'll end up reading it though as I've never read anything by Mercedes Lackey... Would this be a good place to start?

The Unfortunate...

'House of the Star' - Caitlin Brennan

Not only is this an unfortunately posed picture (in its own right) but it also immediately brings the 'Yogi Bear' movie poster to mind...

See what I mean? I can't look at the above picture without sniggering like a schoolboy, I've got no hope with the cover art for 'The House of the Star'...

What do you think of these covers? All comments are welcome :o)


  1. Hehe, unfortunate is correct. As for Mercedes Lackey my mother and sister-in-law swear by her. I, on the other hand, really just don't like her stuff at all, never have and don't really expect to...not that she's a bad writer, just that I don't like what she writes.

  2. "A thriller about genetics or the sad tale of a horse with cataracts?"

    Thanks for my first good solid laugh of the day Graeme! It totally looks like a close-up of a My Little Pony or something.

  3. The "House of the Star" was obviously going for the YA audience, but they went too young with it. Now no one is going to pay attention to it.

  4. i cant understand why US/UK covers r so bad,the French editions have some of the best Fantasy/Scifi covers i have seen.


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