Monday 1 November 2010

Themed Reading for November!

You don’t normally see a lot of ‘Themed’ weeks or months happening here for the simple reason that I find it really difficult to stick to any one kind of book for too long. Even a week of reading zombie books was tough, tough enough in fact that I found myself having to read some straight horror (with the merest mention of zombies in it) just to keep things fresh and keep me going. And the less said about the infamous ‘Paranormal Romance Week’ the better...

I think I’ve cracked it though with this month promising a theme with enough variety to power me through until the end of November. It’s a simple theme, inspired through posts made by Larry and John about certain books that they accept for review (I can’t find the exact links though, which is annoying...) I do very much the same kind of thing as they do. Some books come to me unsolicited for review while others I either specifically ask for or say ‘yes’ when they’re offered to me. They all go in the same pile but a whole load of these are books where I’ve made a promise to review them but just haven’t got round to it (for whatever reason; take your pick, I’ve got loads of excuses right now...)

And so the themed reading for this month was born. For the whole of November I’ll be concentrating solely on reading books that I specifically agreed to read and review. The beauty here is that there is enough variety in this ‘sub-pile’ to guarantee that I won’t get bored and want to abandon the theme altogether; there are some books that you may not have heard of and a load where you probably have (including at least three very well known books that could do an admirable job of being draught excluders...) I won’t finish everything but I’m going to have a damn good go! :o) A promise is a promise after all...

To kick things off, do you have any books that you’ve promised to read but haven’t got round to yet? Doesn’t matter whether you’re a book blogger or a blog reader who borrowed a book years ago and then promptly forgot about it; this is the place to leave your comment...


  1. I've got the new Iain Banks to read. It's funny, I know I'll enjoy it but I've been putting it off. I'll aim to have it finished by the end of November even with the release of Towers of Midnight.

    Happy reading

  2. I've got a couple I borrowed and a friend gave me one that I said I'd read and review but have been putting it off (very rusty at the reviewing lark!) so may join you this month :)

  3. I do have a few that I haven't started yet; a new day job and moving to a new home conspired to put me behind schedule. Then I told myself that I shouldn't keep myself to too strict a timeline and to not feel pressured to read/review too many books that have been reviewed by everyone else.

    But now that the dust is settling at home, I do need to get back on track...:)

  4. I have a pile of 'need to reads' that ranges from high theology, through history, to fantasy and I never seem to have enough time for them. Although I have to admit that I've started listening to more books on tape (Ipod actually) which makes that if only someone would put Chafer's Systematic Theology on cd...


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